Our History

The Current Executive Board of Directors:

Lauren Hirsh (Chairperson)

Heather Clark (Treasurer & Registrar)

Candace Bozeman (Fundraising)

Katy Matthews (Secretary & Registrar)

Naples Little Bunch strives to maintain an informal and creative atmosphere in order to give each child an full opportunity to learn about himself / herself, other children, and the world in which they live.



 As a Parent Cooperative, the key word is "Cooperative".

Parents are asked to contribute to their child's Little Bunch experience by providing healthy snacks, serving on committees, cleaning the classroom, participating in fundraising, and contributing supplies.

Naples Little Bunch was started in January 1975 by a group of parents concerned with the social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children.

The first Executive Board of Directors included:

Georgie Drons (Chairperson)        

Maureen Duffy (Abraham) (Co-Chairperson)

Joyce Joseph (Secretary)

Ann Schneider (Treasurer)

Judy Miller (Registrar)

Naples Little Bunch Preschool